Can Gum Disease Cause Tooth Loss?

There are always surprises in life, so it is not unusual for people to experience dental problems from time to time. Teeth loss can be more severe than other types of dental problems, however, because some causes of tooth loss are totally preventable ahead of time. In more severe cases, poor dental hygiene and gum disease can lead to severe tooth loss. So, can gum disease cause tooth loss?

Can Gum Disease Cause Tooth Loss?

Today, the experts at your local East Highland Dental office want to answer the question: Can gum disease cause tooth loss? The severity, risk factors, and likelihood of gum disease are typically by genetics and trauma, and detecting gum disease early can save your dental health for life. Your trusted dentist will explain the symptoms and stages of periodontitis as well as its connection to tooth loss.

Gum Disease = The Leading Cause of Tooth Loss

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease or gingivitis, is the most common cause of tooth decay and loss. Periodontal disease, which accounts for over 70% of all cases of gum disease, is the leading cause of missing teeth in adults.

Gum disease appears in several stages that are categorized by its symptoms and severity. Gingivitis is the first sign of gum disease, with periodontitis being the most severe stage of the condition.

Although it is treatable, this condition can be deadly when left alone for too long. If it isn’t treated, it can lead to infection in the bloodstream, making it more and more difficult to heal. You could experience discomfort and pain for the rest of your life. Gum treatment can be used to improve your smile and prevent future periodontal disease before it’s too late.

Prevent Gum Disease Today

Gum disease is a painful and debilitating condition that can affect the gums. Gum disease is most common in adults. However, young children can get it at any age. Gum disease can affect your daily life, regardless of how old you may be. You can lose your smile and ability to eat if you don’t seek treatment.

These tips will help you prevent gum disease and maintain your oral health:

Meet Your Dentist Regularly

If you are behind in your dental care, we can help. For many reasons, regular cleanings are essential. Our professionals can remove tartar or plaque from your teeth. Plaque and tartar can lead to bacterial infections, which can cause gum disease.

If you have mild receding teeth, deep cleaning is your best option. This will remove plaque and tartar and apply antibiotics to rejuvenate your gums.

Better Toothpaste: Make an Investment

Is your toothpaste fluoride-free? Fluoride toothpaste might be an option. Fluoride toothpaste is the only toothpaste that has the ADA seal. And fluoride toothpaste is able to reduce symptoms of gingivitis. This toothpaste has an additional benefit: it can freshen your breath, and help keep your teeth white.

It can be difficult to stop smoking but your gums will only get worse. It will be increasingly difficult to prevent infection and disease from reaching your gums. This could lead to serious dental damage.

Maintain Good Oral Health Habits!

Even if you only schedule professional cleanings a few times a year, it is important to maintain good hygiene habits. To remove tartar and other harmful bacteria from your gums, it is a good idea for you to brush your teeth twice daily. All day, you are inviting bacteria to grow on your teeth and gums. This can cause infection, tooth loss, or even death. After a heavy meal, or before going to bed, brush your teeth.

Stay on Top of Good Oral Health Today

There are many things you can do in order to prevent your teeth from falling out and to prevent gum disease from growing too severe. Find out what prevention and treatment methods are available when you ask us about our professional gum treatment plans at East Highland Dental Arts. We look forward to helping you build up a lifetime of excellent oral health!