Can You Ignore a Tooth Cavity?

Everyone knows what cavities are, and everyone dreads them. Almost seen as a bad word, a cavity can be dangerous when left untreated. Most patients are aware that a cavity needs to be cleared out and filled before it can do further damage to the mouth. But can you ignore a tooth cavity for very long until it becomes a problem? So can you ignore a cavity?

Can You Ignore a Tooth Cavity?

It is important to treat a cavity as quickly as possible. Our dentist in Highland will help you find the signs and symptoms of a new cavity so you can explore treatment options in a timely manner.

Cavities Do Not Go Away!

Some ailments, like pimples and bruises, tend to go away on their own. A cavity is not the same kind of problem, however. Cavities do not go away over time, so you cannot leave them to their own devices. In fact, the longer you leave a cavity unattended, the more dangerous it can be for your overall health and well-being.

Cavities are a sign of tooth decay which is directly affected by a buildup of bacteria and plaque on your teeth. When left untreated, this decay can spread throughout the teeth, making them brittle and broken. In the worst-case scenario, the decay spreads to the roots of the teeth as well as the gums, causing infection.

Potential Nerve Damage and Death of a Tooth

Decay leads to death, and this is no less true for your teeth. Depending on the location and severity of the cavity, you could be putting your nerves at risk by not seeking treatment right away. There is a big possibility for untreated cavities to cause permanent nerve damage in the mouth.

Each tooth has nerves and blood vessels at its root, which travel up to a small tube located in the middle of the tooth. The more the cavity digs into your tooth, the bigger chance there is of the decay hitting these most sensitive areas. From there, an infection can spread and do irreversible damage. Cavities have the potential to damage the nerves in your teeth and deaden your tooth, requiring an extraction.

Best Treatments for Cavities

You may notice a cavity right away because it can cause a variety of symptoms in your mouth. They include:

  • Sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures
  • Pain or discomfort in the affected tooth
  • Pain when biting down
  • Spontaneous toothache
  • Holes or pits in your tooth
  • Brown or black stains on the surface of your tooth
  • Brittle or weakened teeth

At the earliest sign, you should get in touch with your local dentist for treatment. The best treatment for a cavity is a filling, which restores your tooth by carving out the infected area and replacing it with a composite material.

In the event that your cavities are too large for a filling replacement, you may need a root canal procedure. This procedure deadens the tooth to prevent the spread of decay, while also keeping your tooth intact. In more severe cases, a tooth extraction may be needed.

Get Rid of Cavities and Prevent Tooth Loss

East Highland Dental is your premier resource for dental fillings in Highland. Our dentists encourage you to schedule an appointment with us at the first sign of tooth decay or cavity. If you are suffering from a toothache and sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures, you might have a cavity growing in your mouth. Reach out to us today and get a safe and efficient filling so you don’t have to worry about any other threats to your oral health.

Don’t ignore your tooth cavities and pain, as they will only get worse over time. Prevent bad oral health issues today with a restorative dentistry appointment at East Highland Dental!