Foods that Stain Teeth

For all of the foodies that love trying new foods and drinks, you may be disappointed to find out that some of your favorite treats may be the culprits of your stained teeth. While stained teeth don’t always mean that you have poor dental health or oral hygiene, it can in certain cases. Even if you do have a great oral hygiene routine, eating certain teeth-staining foods often can lead to your smile looking less than pearly white. While you don’t have to quit these foods entirely, moderation is key. Below you will find the most common foods that stain your teeth and what you can do about it.

Most Common Foods That Stain Teeth

Now you don’t have to quit these foods cold turkey, but if you notice that your teeth are looking less white and more of a yellowish-brown, you may want to cut back on the following foods that stain teeth.

Coffee and Tea:

The tannins found in both coffee and tea cause teeth stains. The first layer of your teeth is your enamel. Tannins penetrate the enamel as the tooth layer has a lot of holes which can lead to staining. Try and cut back if you drink multiple cups each day. Some preliminary research has also shown that milk can offset the severity of stains if you add it to your tea and coffee.

Red Wine, Juices, and Sodas:

Most of these drinks are high in sugar and highly acidic. The acidity can weaken your enamel and penetrate the layer leaving stains behind. It’s best to stay away from sugary drinks as they are unhealthy and can impact your dental health. However, if you enjoy these drinks, it’s best to drink them in moderation.


Tomato-based sauces, curry, soy sauce, and balsamic vinegar are all tasty addition to many dishes. However, they can definitely leave behind stains on your teeth due to their pigment. Things like tomato-based sauces and Balsamic vinegar are also highly acidic. Some dentists even say that soy sauce is the biggest offender when it comes to stains.

Berries and Beets:

Fruits and veggies that are highly pigmented are bound to leave your teeth looking dingy and similar to the color of what you have eaten. While fruits and veggies are a vital part of a healthy diet, they can have some not-so-great side effects when it comes to the color of your teeth.

Candy and Pastries:

These are high in sugar which means that they can mingle with harmful bacteria and not only cause stains, but cavities. Reduce the amount of candy and pastries and have a good oral care routine to combat the high sugar content in the foods you eat.

Stain Prevention

It’s best to stop staining before it starts. However, this can be difficult as natural aging impacts our teeth in a variety of ways, including stains. Having a good oral care routine is important as it can help combat cavities and problematic issues such as gum disease. It’s important to brush your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes, floss at least once a day, and use mouthwash when you can’t brush after you eat. You also need to be consistently attending your six-month dental check-ins as it is a great way to stay on top of your oral health.

Treatment for Stained Teeth

Despite having a good oral care routine, you may still have stains due to the foods you eat or beverages you drink. With that, East Highland teeth whitening is a great way to combat stains. The treatment takes less than an hour and can help get your teeth shades whiter. Depending on how good you take care of your teeth, the results can last up to a year. However, that includes avoiding teeth-staining foods and tobacco.

Dentist in Highland

If you are concerned that your smile is anything less than pearly white, contact the dentists at East Highland Dental. Their team is focused on helping you find the perfect balance between a healthy smile and an aesthetically pleasing smile. Your self-confidence and self-image is highly important as it can allow you to feel like yourself! Contact the best dentist in Highland today for an appointment!

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