How a Root Canal Removes Pain

Root canal treatment is an important procedure in endodontics as it is the only proven method of wiping out decay at the root of your tooth. Root canal treatment is important for anyone suffering from tooth decay or bacterial infections, as this is the best way to prevent decay from spreading even further. However, root canals are still feared by many people. Our East Highland Dental patients often ask questions about how a root canal works and how a root canal removes pain rather than causing it.

How a Root Canal Removes Pain

Thankfully, root canals are hardly painful at all. Not only will our dentist in Highland ensure that you will be numb during the treatment process, but you will even feel better afterward. Any tooth pain you might be feeling from a spreading infection will be eliminated afterward. The procedure is painless but there might be some discomfort once the numbing medication has worn off. Some discomfort is normal, but not excessive. Keep reading to learn about how crucial root canal treatments are for a future of good dental health.

How Root Canals Work

Root canals can be used to save a tooth from damage, infection, or injury. The pulp and nerve of a tooth can become infected. Root canals can be used to remove the tooth’s inner, inflamed layer. This involves the complete cleaning of the root and canals. To prevent infection, the inside of the tooth is sealed and filled. This “deadens” the tooth, but it does not compromise its integrity.

The tooth will continue to decay if it does not have a root canal. This can cause pain, discomfort, and ultimately tooth loss. It can spread to your jaw and gums, which can lead to further complications. Root canals can save your teeth and help strengthen the natural tooth.

Root Canals are Proven to Stop Pain

There exists some idea that root canals can prove scary, painful, or even traumatizing. This remains the biggest myth about dental care. It turns out almost painless to visit a dentist every time you need top-notch treatment.

Anesthesia can be used to perform root canals, which helps to keep the patient relaxed and free of pain during the process. Still, this will ensure that you are pain-free before and during your root canal.

Is There Pain After the Procedure?

Your dentist will ensure that you feel no pain or discomfort during your root canal. Still, you might feel some discomfort after a dental procedure. This isn’t as severe as the pain you might feel if your tooth was removed completely or an infection was not treated.

Prolonged Tooth Pain After Root Canal

This could be due to a variety of reasons. The first is that even though the “pulp,” which are nerves, has been removed from your tooth’s root, sensitive nerves or tissues might still be present near the canal. They can cause minor discomfort by becoming inflamed, irritated or swollen. Still, this is nothing to be concerned about. After root canal treatment, you might feel some discomfort or sensitivity for a few hours. This is normal and will go away over time.

Is It Normal to Feel Root Canal Pain?

After a root canal treatment, you may feel some discomfort in the direction of your dentist. It’s usually mild and should disappear within a few days. You may feel some tenderness in the teeth. A little tenderness may be felt in the tooth. Consult your dentist immediately after your procedure if you experience severe or prolonged pain.

Are You a Good Candidate for a Root Canal?

Contact your dentist immediately if you feel any pain or signs of tooth decay. The infection can spread more quickly if you don’t seek treatment immediately. Infected teeth can spread bacteria from the roots to the pulp.

If this happens, a root canal is required. To save your natural tooth, the pulp and nerves can often be removed. The procedure doesn’t spread the infection. Still, this will eliminate the need to fill your mouth with antibiotics.

Get Rid of Decay and Say Goodbye to Pain!

Root canals are required to save your tooth from advanced tooth decay. You may not be able to save your tooth if you wait too long for treatment. Call us today to learn more about how our advanced and pain-free treatments for a root canal in Highland can restore health and get rid of pain in your mouth. Get in touch with your dentist as soon as possible to save your tooth and your health now and into the future!