How to Prepare for Tooth Extraction

A tooth extraction is a common surgical procedure that can help maintain one’s dental health. Though it is a common procedure, it requires ample recovery time to ensure the patient can heal properly. One aspect of ensuring smooth recovery from a tooth extraction is knowing how to prepare for the operation ahead of time. In this article, we discuss the most important points related to preparing for tooth extraction.


How to Prepare for Tooth Extraction

Below, you can find ten tips on how to prepare for tooth extraction.


Do Not Consume Alcohol or Use Tobacco Products for 24 Hours

Alcohol and tobacco can negatively affect the anesthetic or sedation medication administered to you during the procedure. These products have also been proven to significantly slow down the healing processes of the body. 


Have a Full Night’s Rest

The majority of healing processes in our bodies happen while we are asleep. Full rest also gives your body enough stamina to endure the procedure and any anesthetic or other medication that might be administered. Thus, it is essential to sleep for at least eight hours the night before the procedure. 


Arrange Transportation to and from the Dental Office

If you opt for sedation dentistry or if the tooth extraction procedure requires sedation, you will not be fit to drive after the surgery. Make sure to arrange transportation to and especially from the dental office. It is best if a family member or a friend meets you after the procedure and drives you home. 


Learn About the Procedure of Tooth Extraction

The more you know about the procedure and the recovery period, the less stress you will feel. Do not hesitate to ask questions during your dentist’s consultation to ensure you are ready for the procedure and feel calm.


Explore Sedation Dentistry Options

Some patients experience a lot of dental anxiety that might prevent them from going through with the procedure. If this is your case, ask your doctor about the sedation dentistry options that are available to you. The relaxant administered before the procedure can help relieve unnecessary stress and make the procedure go fast and smoothly. 


Think of Ways to Relieve Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety can also be relieved with other methods. Asking questions and staying informed about the procedure might help relieve the stress you feel leading up to the operation. You can also ask a friend to accompany you to the dental office or plan to reward yourself after the procedure. Most importantly, remember that if your dentist has recommended the procedure, it will have significant benefits to your oral and overall health.


Buy Painkillers and Other Prescribed Medication

Painkillers may be necessary for a few days after the tooth extraction, as patients often experience pain, soreness, or throbbing at the surgery site. Your dentist might also prescribe a course of antibiotics to prevent infections. We recommend buying these medications in advance to avoid the need to go to a store during the first couple of days of recovery.


Prepare an Ice-Pack

After tooth extraction, you might experience swelling in the area where the surgery was performed. Prepare an ice pack in advance that will help reduce the swelling. It should be applied to the outer side of your cheek for 15 to 20 minutes at a time, with 30-minute breaks in between applications. 


Plan Down Time

The tooth extraction recovery process requires rest. You will need to abstain from sports and other strenuous activities for several days after the procedure. Thus, we recommend taking a day or two off work and planning significant downtime for at least a week after the extraction to ensure smooth healing. Then, you will be able to return to your usual daily activities. 


Prepare Food for a Liquid and Soft Diet in Advance

You will have to adhere to a liquid diet for the first 24 to 48 hours after the extraction and then to a soft diet for several days. This diet is necessary to ensure that the blood clot in the socket of the removed tooth is not disturbed and that hard food particles do not get stuck in the socket or damage the gum tissue. 

To avoid the potentially damaging activity of grocery shopping during your recovery time, we recommend buying all the necessary ingredients in advance. 

Examples of foods included in a liquid diet are:

  • Smoothies
  • Broth
  • Liquid yogurt
  • Milk

The meals for the soft diet might consist of:

  • Mashed potatoes and other vegetables
  • Pureed soups
  • Pate and soft cutlets
  • Soft bread without seeds
  • Soft pasta 
  • Cottage cheese 


Make an Appointment Today

The team at East Highland Dental Office offers high-quality, pain-free tooth extraction procedures. Their specialists are prepared and excited to answer your questions and create a friendly environment where you can have a stress-free procedure. Do not hesitate to make an appointment at our office today.

We look forward to your visit.