Preparing for Professional Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic procedure that many people seek out every day. It is an affordable, quick and effective procedure that can be done at your local dentist’s. People who have never had their teeth whitened want to know what to expect when going through this treatment for the first time. Let’s look at steps for preparing for professional teeth whitening.

Preparing for Professional Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening can make your smile brighter and more confident. Like any dental procedure, there are risks and limitations. It is important to understand both the benefits and risks of this procedure, which is why our office of cosmetic dentistry in Highland is here to answer questions for patients who are preparing for professional teeth whitening today.

About Teeth Whitening

The process of teeth whitening can be done in-office or at home using a take-home kit. You can find some take-home kits over the counter, but it is common knowledge that professional teeth whitening is recommended for best results.

The treatment itself is a very simple process. A whitening agent is applied to your teeth (usually in the form of gels or strips). The dentist will then use a non-invasive laser light to bleach your teeth. While this is not painful, you will need to remain still as the laser treatment completes its job.

Benefits and Side Effects

Patients from all walks of life continue to look for teeth whitening as a way to improve their health and happiness. Here are some of the most important benefits and side effects.


Many patients visit us to experience the benefits that tooth whitening procedures have to offer. Whether this is your first time or you are a veteran, here are all of the good things to expect from this treatment:


Teeth whitening can be done at a very affordable price! It’s actually one of the most affordable cosmetic dentistry options for patients who want to remove yellow and dark stains.


Teeth whitening is a great option! It is possible to remove most of the yellowed stains and dark spots that are on your front teeth. It’s possible for your teeth to yellow over time, depending on the foods you eat. However, it is normal to want it gone.

Confidence Boost

Did you know that teeth whitening can increase your self-esteem? People love the way their teeth look after a procedure to whiten them. This can make them happier and more likely to smile at friends and in front of their mirrors.

Side Effects

Every type of procedure is going to have a few drawbacks. Some patients have reported these issues after their procedure:

Tooth Tenderness

Your teeth may feel slightly shocked for the first 24 hours after your procedure. The mini shock should subside over time. Your dentist can provide at-home numbing medications to help you manage it.

Food Sensitivity

Side effects should not be experienced within the first few days after your procedure. It may be difficult to eat hot and cold foods until your tooth has had time to heal.

Some patients may experience temporary gum and tooth sensitivity following treatment. However, this is not enough to cause any disruption in your day. Teeth whitening can produce stunning results that will help you feel a little more confident.

Get Professional Teeth Whitening Now!

Do you want to remove dark food stains and yellowing spots across your teeth? While you may be able to find some take-home kits, the results won’t compare to the long-lasting effects of professional teeth whitening in Highland. Your East Highland Dental experts can help you whiten your teeth quickly and painlessly. Call us to schedule a consultation with one of our friendly dentists today, and experience all of the good things that this non-invasive procedure has to offer!